2014年高考英语作文预测 对大陆小童当街便溺的看法

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2014年高考英语作文预测 对大陆小童当街便溺的看法


Recently, a video of a Chinese mainland mother defending her child after he relieved himself on a Hong Kong street has ignited heated debate across the country.

Whilst traveling with his parents, the 2-year-old boy urinated (便溺) on the street in Mongkok, a popular shopping spot for many traveling to the island city.

When a young man photographed the scene “out of disgust at the behavior,” the baby’s parents fought with him and tried to take his camera. The mother explained that they’d queued for a long time and the kid couldn’t help any more. Local passers-by soon joined in the argument: most supporting the photographer and criticizing the parents for not showing due respect for local Hong Kong customs.

The issue started a war of words on Weibo.

Some net users have criticized the attitude of the local Hong Kong people towards the mainland visitors. They argue that the incident demonstrates how many Hong Kong people wrongly look down on mainland Chinese.

At the other extreme of the debate are those who are critical of the mainland couple for bringing shame on the people of China through their actions.


1. 以约30个词概括上文的主要内容。

2. 以约120个词就“大陆小童当街便溺”的话题谈谈你的看法,内容包括:





1. 作文中可以使用亲身经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文中的句子。

2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。



The passage describes the debate that has resulted from an internet video clip taken in Hong Kong of a mainland couple encouraging their two-year-old child to urinate in a public area.

It is really hard to judge which side is more to blame for the original dispute. On the one hand, it’s clear that the mainland couple didn’t properly respect local Hong Kong customs. On the other hand, however, the actions of the Hong Kong photographer were also disrespectful and mean-spirited. (Instead of trying to help or simply stopping the parents, he went straight to the extreme — taking photos of a two-year-old urinating! He was clearly trying to humiliate the parents.)

In fact, both parities could have behaved differently to avoid the conflict. The photographer could have been a little more gracious and understanding of the mainland couple’s situation, particularly if there were no public toilets available. (If he had time to shoot video then didn’t he also have time to point out the nearest public toilet?) But I think the main responsibility was with the mainland couple. Even though this kind of action is very normal on the mainland, it was clearly not normal in Hong Kong. When travelling to different places, it is the responsibility of the visitor to be familiar with the rules of behavior of that place, and to act accordingly. The parents therefore, should have researched these customs more thoroughly. (At the very least they should have taken the child into a back alley, where the baby was not exposed to public.)

There is an old saying goes, when in Rome do as the Romans do. I strongly suggest that visitors to a new place should do careful research beforehand to avoid getting into similar trouble.