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Nowadays, more and more people, especially young people, pour into Beijing. They feel Beijing is a magic city   76  (吸引)to them and offering them great opportunities. However, if they take the traffic of the city into c    77    , the city that so many people are longing for is     78      (实际上) not so attractive.
The old   79  (市民)of Beijing still remember that the bike used to    80     a popular means of transport in the 1970s and 1980s. However, things have changed. Beijing has now an incredibly large population of about 20 million people. And it has 4,075,000 private cars,     81     are three times as many as those in 1996. The fast increasing population and private cars, plus the poor city plan, have c    82      greatly to the serious traffic jams in the city. What’s worse, the ticket price of the subway in Beijing is said to be raised. If     83      , the traffic on the ground will surely become even h     84     . 
  85   brief, if effective measures aren’t taken now, do you still think it is an attractive city?
76. _________________  77. _________________
78. _________________  79. _________________
80. _________________  81. _________________
82. _________________  83. _________________
84. _________________  85. _________________
76. appealing  77. consideration  78. actually  79. citizens  80. be
81. which       82. contributed       83. so        84. heavier     85. In