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You will never imagine that such a small invention as a kite can

     (有益)us so much! Flying kites is a popular hobby in many 76.          

countries of the Far East where      (漂亮)decorated kites 77.          

appear       different colors.In China there is a special Kites  78.          

Day on which children and a      fly kites together happily. A 79.          

flat kite is the oldest and       (简易)type of kite.It flies   80.          

b      air flows over and under the kite's wing.The pressure under   81.          

the wing helps the kite lift into the air.Kites have also     used    82.          

in experiments. Early scientists s      kites up into the air    83.          

to measure temperature at different h       . Kites were also      84.          

used to develop airplanes.       is known to us that the Wright    85.          

Brothers experimented with kites before they flew the first airplane.



76.benefit      77.beautifully      78.in       79.adults       80.simplest

81.because     82.been           83.sent      84.heights      85.It