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Unit 5  Music


第一组:roll, folk, musician, pretend, form, passer-by, earn, instrument, perform, studio, millionaire, broadcast

1 The doctors are ________ an operation trying to save the dying man.

2 At college I majored in(主修) _________ literature.

3 Ten years of work in the country ________ the basis of his writing.

4 Beethoven, a great German _________, lived between 1770 and 1827. 

5 My sister takes an interest in music and she can play some musical ________.

6 The old couple ________ their living by collecting and selling used plastic bottles.

7 Sorry, I don’t know where the post office is. I am a _________.

8 When I passed by he _________ not to see me.

9 I bought a ________ of film(胶卷) for my camera.

10 Some __________ were born poor but became wealthy after years of hard work.

11 We watched the live __________ of the exciting football match.

12 This blockbuster(电影大片) was made at a Hollywood _________.

第二组:humorous, attractive, dip, confident, devotion, invitation, beard, sensitive, painful, brief

13 At the start of the class Mr. Wang asked every one of us to give a __________ self introduction.

14 I received a letter of __________ to the meeting but I am afraid that I cannot spare time for it.

15 We all admire Old Li, a senior teacher for his __________ to teaching.

16 His ___________ speech made all present at the party laugh.

17 I like that girl because I find her so __________.

18 My teeth are very __________ to cold food.

19 The teacher asked the children to feel __________ about asking questions when they don’t understand.

20 My ankle is still too __________ to walk on. 

21 ___________ your hand in to see how hot the water is.

22 He decided to grow a ___________ and a mustache.



dream of   to be honest   play jokes on  or so  break up  attach…to   rely on   sort out   above all   in cash  in addition   be familiar with 

1 The watch costs 200 yuan ________.

2 Will you pay _________ or by credit card?

3 ________, make sure you keep in touch.

4 It is the kind of trip that most of us can only ________.

5 __________, I dislike the way he talks.

6 I am too tired to go there. __________, it’s getting dark.

7 The boys _________ Tom. They hid his shoes and he couldn’t find them.

8 Sentences can be ________ into phrases and phrases into words.

9 Please ________ the things you want to keep and throw everything else away.

10 He is that kind of person you can really _________.

11 The little girl _________ very much __________ her brother.

12 I ____________ the set of computer software they use.