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考点一  名词词义辨析
1.Poetry written from the     of the urban youth tends to reveal their anxiety over a lack of sense of belonging.(2013湖北,21) 
A.perspective     B.priority
C.participation D.privilege
剖析:A 考查名词辨析。句意:以都市年轻人的视角写的诗歌往往显示出他们因为缺少归属感而产生的焦虑。perspective视角,观点;priority优先(权),优先考虑的事;participation参加,参与;privilege 特权,优惠。根据句意可知A项正确。
2.Carbon dioxide,which makes a     between us and the sun,prevents heat from getting out of the atmosphere easily,so the earth is becoming warmer.(2013湖北,22) 
A.difference B.comparison
C.connection D.barrier
剖析:D 考查名词辨析。句意:二氧化碳是我们和太阳之间的一道屏障,它使大气里的热量不容易释放出去,于是地球将会变得更暖。difference 分歧,区别;comparison比较;connection联系;barrier障碍,屏障,根据句意可知,选D项。
3.Whenever I made mistakes,the teacher pointed them out with    .(2013江西,22) 
A.curiosity B.satisfaction
C.envy     D.patience
剖析:D 考查名词辨析。句意:无论什么时候我犯了错误,老师总是耐心地把它们指出来。patience“耐心”,符合句意。curiosity“好奇心”;satisfaction“满意,满足”;envy“忌妒”。
4.While she was in Paris,she developed a     for fine art.(2013天津,7) 
A.way B.relation
C.taste D.habit
剖析:C 考查名词辨析。句意:她在巴黎期间,培养了对艺术的兴趣。way“道路,方法”;relation“关系,联系”;taste“爱好,志趣”;habit“习惯,习性”。develop a taste for...“培养对……的兴趣”。故选C项。
5.As the world’s population continues to grow,the     of food becomes more and more of a concern.(2013浙江,4) 
A.worth B.supply
C.package D.list
剖析:B 本题考查名词词义辨析。题干的意思是:“随着世界人口的持续增长,粮食供应越来越令人担忧。”worth价值;supply供应;package包裹;list清单。根据句意应该选择B项。
6.The accident caused some     to my car,but it’s nothing serious.(2013辽宁,23) 
A.harm B.injury C.ruin D.damage
剖析:D 考查名词词义辨析。根据后面的it’s nothing serious可知,造成的破坏不严重,所以不能用ruin毁灭,废墟。damage意为“破坏,损坏”,意思是说程度不是很严重,往往修理之后仍然可以使用。harm意为“伤害,损害”,injury意为“伤害”。
7.Your     as a student will be excellent if you develop a habit of reflecting on how you learn.(2012浙江,7) 
A.operation B.growth
C.performance D.character
剖析:C 考查名词词义辨析。句意:假如你养成善于反思自己所学的习惯,作为一名学生,你的表现是相当出色的。operation“手术;操作”;growth“生长”;performance“表演;表现”;character“性格”“人物”。故选C。
8.My first     of him was that he was a kind and thoughtful young man.(2012山东,24) 
A.expression B.attention
C.satisfaction D.impression
剖析:D 句意:我对他的第一印象是他是一个温和、体贴的年轻人。expression表情;attention注意,留心;satisfaction满意;impression印象,由句意可知D项正确。
9.—Why do you choose to work in an international travel agency?
—Well,you know,English is my    .So it is my best choice.(2012福建,25) 
A.strength B.talent
C.ability D.skill
剖析:A strength在此句中并非“人的力气”,而是指“一个人的优势,长处”。talent天赋,才华;ability能力;skill技巧。
10.You’d better write down the phone number of that restaurant for future    .(2012江西,29) 
A.purpose B.reference
C.progress D.memory
剖析:B 考查名词的辨析。句意:你最好记下那个饭馆的电话号码以便将来的查询。purpose目的;reference查询;progress进步;memory记忆。由句意可知,B项正确。
11. The officer insisted that Michael did not follow the correct     in applying for a visa.(2012湖北,30) 
A.pattern B.procedure
C.program D.perspective
剖析:B 考查名词辨析。句意:那位官员坚持说迈克尔没有遵循正确的程序申请签证。pattern模式;procedure步骤,程序;program项目;perspective看法。只有B项符合句意。
12.The Harry Potter books are quite popular;they are in great     in this city.(2012全国Ⅱ,19) 
A.quantity B.progress
C.production D.demand
剖析:D 考查名词辨析。句意:《哈利·波特》相当受欢迎,这座城市需求量很大。quantity“数量”;progress“进展;进步”;production“生产”;demand“要求;需求”。
13.There’s a     in our office that when it’s somebody’s birthday,they bring in a cake for us all to share.(2011山东,34) 
A.tradition B.balance
C.concern D.relationship
剖析:A 考查名词辨析。句意:在我们办公室有一个传统,当某个人过生日的时候,那个人就会带一个蛋糕来与大家分享。tradition传统,balance平衡,concern关注,relationship关系。过生日与大家分享蛋糕是办公室形成的传统或习惯做法,故用tradition,其他三项均不合题意。 
14.The lack of eco-friendly habits among the public is thought to be a major     of global climate change.(2011福建,26) 
A.result B.cause
C.warning D.reflection
剖析:B cause表事情的起因,句意:公众环保习惯的缺乏被认为是全球气候变化的主要原因。
15.Anyway,I can’t cheat him — it’s against all my    .(2011浙江,18) 
A.emotions B.principles
C.regulations D.opinions
剖析:B 句意:无论如何我都不能欺骗他——这违背我做人的原则。principle常用复数形式,意为“(行为)准则,规范”,符合句意。emotion情感;regulation规章;opinion意见,主张。
16.The school advisers help you talk through your problems but they don’t give you any direct    .(2010浙江,16) 
A.solution B.target
C.measure D.function
剖析:A 句意:校方顾问帮助你彻底说清楚你的问题,但是他们没有给你任何直接的解决方案。solution“解决问题的方法/方案”,符合句意;target“目标”;measure“措施”;function“功能”。
17.This restaurant has become popular for its wide     of foods that suit all tastes and pockets.(2010湖北,21) 
A.division B.area
C.range D.circle
剖析:C 考查名词辨析。句意:这家饭店很受欢迎,因为它提供各种食物,能满足各种口味和各种消费层次。range意为“(变动或浮动的)范围”,符合句意。division“分开,分割”;area“地区,区域”;circle“圆形,圈子,界”。
18.The World Health Organization gave a warning to the public without any     when the virus of H1N1 hit Mexico in April,2009.(2009福建,29) 
A.delay B.effort
C.schedule D.consideration
剖析:A delay耽搁, 延误;effort努力;schedule时间表;consideration考虑, 体谅;关心。句意:当H1N1型流感2009年4月袭击墨西哥时, 世界卫生组织毫不迟疑地向人们提出了警告。选A。
考点二  名词的固定搭配
1.With inspiration from other food cultures,American food culture can take a     for the better.(2013江苏,33) 
A.share B.chance
C.turn D.lead
剖析:C 本题考查名词的固定搭配。take a share分担……,为……出力;take a chance冒险;take a turn转弯,转;(情况、形势等)转变;take a lead领先,带头。根据本句关键信息for the better可知讲的是有所好转,变得更好。句意:有了源于其他食品文化的灵感,美国饮食文化可以变得更好。故C项为正确选项。
2.You are working too hard.You’d better keep a     between work and relaxation.(2012天津,3) 
A.promise B.lead
C.balance D.diary
剖析:C “keep a balance between A and B”意为“在A与B之间找到平衡点”。
3.Always remember to put such dangerous things as knives out of children’s    .(2011四川,13) 
A.touch B.sight
C.reach D.distance
剖析:C 考查名词的固定搭配。句意:千万记住要把像刀子这样的危险物品放在孩子们够不到的地方。由句意可知选C项。
4.James took the magazines off the little table to make     for the television.(2010天津,3) 
A.room B.area
C.field D.position
剖析:A 考查名词的固定搭配。句意:James把小桌上的杂志弄走为电视机腾空间。make room for为固定搭配,意为“为……腾出空间”。
5.Last year the number of students who graduated with a driving licence reached 200,000,a(n)     of 40,000 per year.(2010江西,35) 
A.average B.number
C.amount D.quantity
剖析:A 考查名词搭配辨析。an average of...“……的平均数”,常跟数词;a number of“大量的,很多的”,后跟复数可数名词;an amount of“大量的”,后面常跟不可数名词;a quantity of“大量的”,后面既可跟可数名词复数也可跟不可数名词。句意:去年,毕业学生拿到驾照的数量达到了200 000人,平均每年40 000人。故答案选A。
6.The system has been designed to give students quick and easy     to the digital resources of the library.(2009浙江,6) 
A.access B.passage
C.way D.approach
剖析:A 句意:设计这个系统的目的是能够让学生便捷、容易地搜索到图书馆的数字资源。这里give...access to...是固定词组, 表示“能得到, 能进入”, 所以选A。
考点一  名词词义辨析
1.There are times when a play became highly successful, even though most of the critics panned(抨击)it without    .(2013安徽江南十校高考模拟) 
A.mercy B.intention
C.regret D.hesitation
剖析:A 句意:尽管多数评论家无情地抨击着这部戏,但它还是获得了巨大的成功。根据关键词even though,panned和highly successful可知,是评论家无情地抨击这部戏,因此选mercy,怜悯,without mercy“无情地”。intention目的,意图;regret后悔;hesitation犹豫。
2.When trying to find a(n)     in our school,you should have at least one year’s teaching experience.(2013安徽江南十校高三联考) 
A.location B.position
C.occupation D.profession
剖析:B 句意:想在我们学校找到一份工作,你应该至少有一年的教学经验。position在此表示(有报酬的)职位,工作;occupation表示职业,工作,经常用在填写表格上;location位置,场所;profession指受过较高教育或受过专门训练的人所从事的职业如建筑师、律师、医师等,常与by连用。结合句意应选B。
3.It is important to have your eyes examined regularly to check for any sign of eye diseases that may not have any    .(2013江苏泗阳中学高三第一次模拟) 
A.symptom B.similarity
C.sample D.shadow
剖析:A 考查名词辨析。句意:定期做眼部检查以便能够发现一些没有症状的眼疾是非常重要的。symptom症状;similarity相似性;sample样品;shadow阴影,背光处。只有A项符合句意。
【技巧点拨】 本题需结合语境才能做出正确的选择。
4.Currently,many American women are still faced with the     of choosing between work and family commitments.(2013合肥高三第一次教学质量检测) 
A.desperation B.confusion
C.dilemma D.concern
剖析:C 句意:目前许多美国家庭妇女仍面临着是出去工作还是照顾家庭这样进退两难的窘境。desperation绝望;confusion困惑;dilemma进退两难的困境;concern担忧,关心。
5.Working hard is not possibly a     of great success,but it is one of the essential requirements.(2013山东实验中学第三次诊断性考试) 
A.mark B.sign
C.signal D.guarantee
剖析:D 句意:勤奋工作不能保证你一定会取得巨大成功,但它是取得成功的必要条件之一。由句意可知选guarantee“保证”。mark标记,记号;sign迹象,牌子;signal符号,象征。
6.The government needs to     the interests of different groups of people to avoid conflicts and see to it that people live safe and happy lives.(2012湖北重点中学联考) 
A.seek B.balance
C.identify D.combine
剖析:B 句意:为了避免矛盾,并保障人们过得安康幸福,政府需要权衡不同群体的利益。balance“使平衡”;seek“寻找”;identify“鉴定”;combine“合并”。
7.The TV series of Gong became popular and the theme song Love the feed sung by Yang Mi was a     at once and loved by young people.(2012银川一中第四次考试) 
A.shock B.strike
C.hit D.beat
剖析:C 句意:电视连续剧《宫》很受欢迎,而且杨幂唱的主题曲《爱的供养》风行一时,受到年轻人喜欢。根据句意选C项,hit表示“风行一时的事物”。
8.I have to reschedule the appointment with you since there is a     in my arrangement.(2012天津十二区县联考) 
A.contract B.contrast
C.connection D.conflict
剖析:D 句意:我得重新安排跟你约会的时间,因为我的安排中有冲突。conflict“冲突,矛盾”;contract“合同”;contrast“对比”;connection“联系”。
9.Online shopping has become popular in China,which is the result of the fast     of our modern life.(2011福州第一次质检) 
A.action B.style C.pace D.manner
剖析:C 句意:网上购物已经在中国流行起来,这是我们现代生活快节奏的结果。pace“步伐,速度”,符合句意。style风格;action行动,manner方式。
10.Almost every country celebrating a special     will set off fireworks.(2011浙江温州第一次适应性测试) 
A.situation B.state
C.condition D.occasion
剖析:D 句意:几乎每个国家在庆祝特别的时刻时都会放烟花。special occasion特殊的时刻(场合)符合句意。situation形势,处境;condition条件,状况;state常指思想、感情、心理等状况。
考点二  名词的固定搭配
1.One thousand dollars a month is not a fortune to most people, but it will help cover my living    .(2013浙江宁波高三第一学期期末考试) 
A.bills B.expenses
C.prices D.charges
剖析:B 句意:每月1000美元对大多数人来说不算一笔财富,但是足够支付我的生活费用。living expenses为固定搭配指生活费。bill账单;price价格;charge指货物或服务所需的费用。
2.The lawyer advised Tom to drop the     since he had little chance to win.(2013陕西西安高新一中等五校高三第一次联考) 
A.affair B.case C.incident D.event
剖析:B 句意:律师建议Tom撤诉,因为他打赢官司的几率很小。drop the case撤诉,放弃案件,为固定搭配。affair事务;男女之间的暧昧关系;incident严重事件;发生的小事。event大事;赛事。
3.If you’re around people complaining others,    are that you will start to complain as well.(2013浙江海宁高三2月测试) 
A.reasons B.attempts
C.chances D.messages
剖析:C 句意:如果你在一群抱怨别人的人群中;你也很可能会开始抱怨。Chances are that ...可能……为固定句式,chance可能性;reason原因;attempt企图,尝试;message消息。
4.I bought a dress for only 10 dollars in a sale; it was a real    .(2013安徽合肥八中高三“一模”适应性考试) 
A.exchange B.bargain
C.trade     D.business
剖析:B 句意:我在大甩卖时仅花10美元就买了一条裙子,真是便宜。bargain便宜货;exchange交换;trade贸易,买卖,交易;行业;business生意。
5.I have no     that you will succeed, but I wonder whether you have really got everything ready.(2013山东师大附中高三12月模拟) 
A.doubt B.wonder C.chance D.point
剖析:A 句意:你能通过考试,我绝不怀疑,但是我仍在想你是否已经把一切都准备好了。have no doubt“毫无疑问”,为固定句式,符合句意。
6.—Everybody knows smoking is harmful to health,but still so many people smoke.
—Exactly!So our country is planning to start a     against smoking.(2012东北三校第一次联考) 
A.war B.campaign
C.motion D.struggle
剖析:B war“战争”;campaign“运动”;motion“运动,提议”;struggle“斗争”。显然只有B项符合答语的句意,即“的确!所以我们国家正在计划开展一项戒烟运动”。start/launch a campaign发起一场运动,为固定短语。
7.Lack of     of culture difference to local customs can cause problems.(2012山东青岛一模) 
A.existence B.revolution
C.awareness D.evidence
剖析:C 句意:对地方习俗的文化差异缺乏了解会引起很多问题。existence“存在”;revolution“革命”;awareness“意识”;evidence“证据”。根据句意选C项。
8.Two of my friends are having their weddings on the same day,and I’m in a real     about which one to go to.(2012浙江调研测试) 
A.situation B.choice
C.trick D.dilemma
剖析:D 句意:我的两个朋友在同一天举行婚礼,所以去参加哪一场婚礼真的让“我”左右为难。dilemma“窘境,困境”,符合语意。in a dilemma处在左右为难的境地。
9.I have been told that the new law will come into     on January 1st next year.(2011安徽皖南八校第二次质检) 
A.effect B.use
C.service D.existence
剖析:A come into effect“生效”;come into use“开始被使用”;come into service“投入使用”;come into existence“成立,产生”。根据语境“我已被告知,这部新法将于明年元月一日生效”可知选A项。
10.David won’t get lost—he has a good     of direction.(2011济南质检) 
A.feeling B.idea
C.experience D.sense
剖析:D 根据破折号前面的内容可知他有良好的方向感,此处sense表示“理解力,判断力”。前三项分别表示“感情”“主意”“经历”,都不符合语境。sense of direction方向感为固定搭配。
1.The drilling in Antarctic dragged on slowly because of lack of money, equipment breakdowns, environmental     and severe cold.(2013江苏扬州中学高三3月月考) 
A.concerns B.assumption
C.occupation D.ignorance
剖析:A 句意:由于资金缺乏、设备故障、环境担忧以及极端寒冷等原因,南极的石油钻探慢慢拖了下去。concern担忧,担心;assumption假设;occupation职业;占据;ignorance无知。结合句意选A。
2.Tickets for the most popular    , such as 100 m race and 4×100m relay race, were sold out in just a few hours.(2013辽宁东北育才双语学校高三第三次模拟) 
 A.events B.incidents
C.affairs D.accidents
剖析:A 句意:像100米和4×100米接力赛这些最受欢迎的比赛的票在几小时之内就卖完了。event指(体育运动的)比赛项目,也指大事,重要事情。incident严重事件;发生的小事;affair事务,男女关系;accident事故。
3.He knows so much about Russia that he’s universally acknowledged as a(n)     on Russian affairs.(2013河北衡水中学高三第三次模拟考试) 
A.authority B.routine
C.privilege D.boundary
剖析:A 句意:他对俄罗斯是如此的了解,以至于人们普遍认为他是俄罗斯事务方面的权威人士。authority权威人士,专家;routine常规;privilege特权;boundary界限。
4.For most people, getting on in life, winning    , saving a bit, going on a better holiday, buying a car, purchasing a home, giving the children a better start all these are natural aims.(2013湖北武汉高三2月调研测试) 
A.promotion B.victory
C.sympathy D.reputation
剖析:A 句意:对大多数人来说,事业有成,获得晋升,攒下些钱,过个愉快的假期,买个车,买套房,给孩子一个好的起跑线是他们自然而然的目标。promotion晋升,提拔;victory胜利;sympathy同情;reputation名誉,名声。
5.Finding information in today’s world is easy.The    is how you can tell if the information you get is useful or not.(2013安徽蚌埠高三第一次教学质量检测) 
A.knowledge B.ability
C.competition D.challenge
剖析:D 句意:在今天的世界中找到信息很容易,但你怎样分辨出你得到的信息是否有用却是一个挑战。challenge挑战;艰巨任务,符合句意。knowledge知识;ability能力;competition竞争。
6.Being able to speak another language fluently could be a great    when you are looking for a job. (2013安徽泗县二中高三第一次模拟考试) 
 A.advantage B.chance
C.help     D.importance 
剖析:A 句意:当你寻找工作时,能够说一种流利的外语是一个很大的优势。advantage优势,有利因素;chance机会,可能性;help帮助;importance重要性。
7.You may demand an immediate    if the company fails to supply the product in time.(2013杭州第一次高考科目教学质量检测) 
A.refund B.justice
C.guarantee D.cooperation
剖析:A 句意:如果公司未能及时供给你产品,你可以立即要求退款。refund退款,偿还;justice正义;guarantee保证;cooperation合作。
8.—I really admire the people full of    .I’m always tired. 
—You’d better take more exercise.(2012郑州第一次质量预测)
A.power B.strength
C.force D.energy
剖析:D 根据“I’m always tired.”可知,第一句应表示“我真羡慕那些精力充沛的人”,选D项,energy意为“精力,活力”。power“能力,权力”;strength“力量,力气”;force“暴力,武力”。
9.Have you heard the traffic     that happened in Yatai Street last week?(2012长春第一次调研) 
A.accident B.affair
C.incident D.event
剖析:A 根据句意可知应选A项,traffic accident意为“交通事故”。affair“事件,私事”;incident“事件,事变”,用于表示突发事件或偶发事件;event“重要的事情,大事”。
10.Shelly had prepared carefully for her biology examination so that she could be sure of passing it at her first    .(2012湖北孝感第一次统考) 
A.intention B.effort
C.attempt D.sight
剖析:C 句意:Shelly为这次的生物考试做了精心的准备,因此有把握一次通过。at one’s first attempt“某人第一次尝试”。intention目的,意图;effort努力;sight视力;风景。
11.—These days,he has stayed up late into night in order to get good marks in the following monthly test.
—It’s no     that he seems tired and asleep in class every day.(2012银川一中第四次考试) 
A.wonder B.problem
C.doubt D.question
剖析:A 句意:——这些日子他为了在接下来的月考中取得好分数熬到很晚。——难怪他每天看起来都很累,上课时好像都能睡着。it’s no wonder that ...“难怪……”。
12.A teacher’s     to education is worth great respect of the whole society because it brings benefits to the development of society.(2011北京石景山高三统一测试) 
A.devotion B.principle
C.identity D.guidance
剖析:A 句意:老师对教育事业的贡献被整个社会给予了很高地尊重,原因是它推动了整个社会的发展。devotion献身;奉献;principle原则;原理;identity身份;guidance指导;引导;领导;根据题意应该是说老师的奉献,故选A。
1.Accent, tone,     and vocabulary can affect the ability of a language learner to understand or to be understood.(2013湖北武汉高三2月调研) 
A.whistle B.translation
C.fluency D.experience
剖析:C 句意:语音、语调、流利性以及词汇都影响了语言学习者理解和被理解的能力。whistle口哨(声);translation翻译;fluency流利,流畅;experience经验;经历。结合句意应选C。
2.As the quality of the city’s air continues to give rise to    , the residents are encouraged to set off fewer fireworks. (2013浙江六校联考) 
A.descriptions B.compromise 
C.concerns D.emergency
剖析:C 句意:随着城市的空气质量继续引起关注,居民被建议少燃放烟花。description描写; compromise 妥协,折中;concern关注,担心; emergency紧急情况。
3.—What a boy! He could speak five languages at the age of ten.
—He must have a     for language.(2013山东实验中学高三第一次诊断性测试) 
A.present B.try
C.sense D.gift
剖析:D have a gift for ...是固定搭配,意思是“有……的天赋”。答句的意思是“他一定有语言天赋”。present礼物;try尝试;sense感觉。
4.Mo Yan’s winning the 2012 Nobel Prize for Literature shows the world’s     of contemporary Chinese Literature.(2013甘肃河西五市部分普通高中高三一联) 
A.impression B.distinction
C.recognition D.indication
剖析:C 句意:莫言获得2012年诺贝尔文学奖表明了世界对中国当代文学的认可。 impression印象;distinction差别,区别,对比;recognition认可 ;indication表明。
5.After the earthquake, the first thing the local government did was to provide     for the homeless families.(2013山西大同高三学情调研测试) 
A.occupation B.furniture
C.equipment D.accommodation
剖析: D 句意:地震之后,当地政府所做的第一件事是给无家可归的家庭提供食宿。accommodation食宿,根据句意选择D。
6.We will be given a(n)     to ask questions at the end of the lecture.(2013山东潍坊3月月考) 
A.presentation B.explanation
C.opportunity     D.possibility
剖析:C 句意:在演讲结束的时候我们有机会问问题。presentation 呈现,提供 ;explanation 解释 ;opportunity 机会;possibility可能性。结合句意选C。
7.“The Brief History of Time” is regarded as the physics students’   .(2013杭州二中高三第二次月考) 
A.album B.bible
C.journal D.record
剖析:B 句意:《时间简史》被学物理的学生看作是权威之作。bible圣经;有权威的书。album相册,集邮簿;journal旅行日志;record记录。结合句意选B。
8.—I’m going to Paris next week.
—What a    . So am I.(2012山西太原五中4月月考) 
A.pity    B.coincidence 
C.accident D.chance
剖析:B 句意:——下周我要去巴黎。——多巧合呀。我也要去。此处pity遗憾;coincidence巧合;accident意外事故;chance机会。
9.There existed an obvious     between the accounts of the witnesses, so a judgment was not announced in court. (2012湖北八校高三第二次联考) 
A.association B.authority
C.conflict D.restriction
剖析:C 句意:目击者的证词存在明显的争执,所以当庭没有宣判。此处conflict意为争执。association联合;authority权威,权力,restriction限制。
10.—Does that make any   ? 
—Yes, it matters a great deal. (2012浙江重点中学协作体4月调研)
A.money     B.sense
C.difference D.trouble 
剖析:C 句意:——那很重要吗?——是的,很关键。make any difference意为:关系重大,起重要作用。
11.—Hello, Jessica! What happened?
—I could not hear you clearly because my mobile phone could not receive a good    .(2011南昌二中高三二诊) 
A.sign B.signal
C.symbol D.mark
剖析:B 考查名词的用法。sign“迹象”;signal“信号”;symbol“符号,象征”;mark“标记,记号”。根据句子意思,应是手机的信号不好。所以应选B。
12.Over two thirds of the population were believed to have no     to the health care in the west rural area in China.(2011浙江杭州西湖中学检测) 
A.aid B.basis
C.belief D.access
剖析:D 句意:人们认为在中国的西部农村地区超过2/3的人口得不到医疗保健。have no access to意为:得不到;无法进入。符合句意。aid帮助;basis基础;belief信念。