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1. 基本结构
肯定形式:sb have/has been doing sth
否定形式:sb have/has not been doing sth
一般疑问句:Have/Has sb been doing sth?
2. 用法
现在完成进行时态多用延续性动词,如live, learn, lie, stay, sit, wait, stand, rest, study等,并常和all the time(一直),this week, this month, all the morning, recently等状语以及since和for所引导的状语从句或短语连用(since和for连用时,动作常会继续下去)。
① 表示从过去某一时刻开始一直持续到现在的动作,并且还将持续下去
例:I have been learning English since three years ago. (动作可能会持续下去)
② 表示在说话时刻之前刚刚结束的动作
  We have been waiting for you for half an hour. (动作不再继续下去了)
3. 注意:现在完成时和现在完成进行时的区别
例:I have read his latest book. 我已经读过他的新书。(动作已完成)
      I have been reading his latest book. 我一直在读他的新书。(动作未完成)
      She has stayed in Beijing for six weeks. 她已在北京呆了六周。(强调动作已完成)
      She has been staying in Beijing for six weeks. 她在北京呆了有六周了。(强调动作的持续性)
说的很抽象是不是,在此给一个秘籍,综合这几年的考题,如果选项中同时出现了现在完成时和现在完成进行时,则可以优先考虑现在完成进行时(通常正常选项为这个)而如果选项的时间状语为表示频率的词,例如:once、twice、xxx times,除外
32.   She _____ with the symphony orchestra three times this season.
      A. played                           
      B. has played               
      C. has been playing             
      D. is playing
1. 观察下列例句,将序号填入对应用法之后的空白栏中
⑴I received a letter from a friend yesterday. We had not heard from each other since 1990
⑵I hope we'll have got the instructions (说明书) ready before you come tomorrow.
⑶We had hoped to catch the 9:30 train, but we failed to.
⑷I had no sooner returned than he called.
⑸I have been waiting an hour and he still hasn't turned up.
⑹I have cleaned the house. It’s tidy now.
⑺I have watched him several times.
⑻It is the first time that I have visited the Beijing Zoo.
⑼I am very tired. I have been working all morning.
⑽We have discussed the topic (for) the last 3 weeks.
⑾This is the most terrible movie that I have ever watched.
“过发持续”:过去发生的动作持续到现在,常与so far, until now, “for+时间段”,“since+时间点连用”
This/It is the first/second/last time that+现在完成时
This/It is the+形容词最高级+名词+that+现在完成时
“过去的过去”:表示在过去某一时刻或动作以前完成了的动作,常与“by+过去时间”或“by the time+时间状语从句”连用
表示原本打算实现而未实现的希望或计划。常用此结构的动词有hope, want, expect, think, mean, suppose, intend 等
用于no sooner… than; hardly… when的句型中
表示在将来的一个特定时刻将成为过去的动作或该时刻刚刚结束的动作,常与也可与“by+将来时间”或“by the time+现在时的时间状语从句”连用
2. 单项选择
1. ---Jack, do you know anything about Doctor Brown?
   ---I ______ to him for years. I don’t see how anyone else could do better.
     A. went
     B. will go
     C. had gone
     D. have been going
2. --- Why do you want to apply for the position as a history teacher?
   --- This is the job that I ______.
     A. looked for
     B. had looked for
     C. will look for
     D. have been looking for
3.--- This is the most exciting movie I have ever watched.
  --- Where did you get that DVD? I ______ to find it since last summer.
     A. was trying
     B. tried
     C. had tried
     D. have been trying
4. Since he left our school last August, Mr. Newman ______ on a photography exhibition.
     A. worked
     B. is working
     C. had worked
     D. has been working
5. --- Several hotels in this area are closing down.
   --- That's because tourism itself ____ since last year.
     A. is declining
     B. declined
     C. had declined
     D. has been declining
6. --- I           for more than 30 years! I'm going to retire soon.
   --- Really? You don’t look a day over 40.
     A. worked
     B. have been working
     C. had worked
     D. am working
7. --- Did you find the missing couple in the mountain yesterday?
   --- No, but we          to get in touch with them ever since
     A. have tried
     B. had tried
     C. have been trying
     D. had been trying
8. The manager ______ the workers how to improve the program since 9 am.
     A. has told
     B. is telling
     C. has been telling
     D. will have told
9. ---  How long ___ like this?
   --- Three weeks! It's usual here that rain ___ without stopping these days of the year.
     A. has it rained; pours
     B. is it raining; is pouring
     C. has it been raining; pours
     D. does it rain; pours
10. We ______ for over 2 hours.Are you sure this is the right way?
     A. have been driving
     B. were driving
     C. had driven
     D. drove
3. 翻译练习






“过发持续”:过去发生的动作持续到现在,常与so far, until now, “for+时间段”,“since+时间点连用”


This/It is the first/second/last time that+现在完成时

This/It is the+形容词最高级+名词+that+现在完成时




“过去的过去”:表示在过去某一时刻或动作以前完成了的动作,常与by+过去时间”或“by the time+时间状语从句连用

表示原本打算实现而未实现的希望或计划。常用此结构的动词有hope, want, expect, think, mean, suppose, intend 等

用于no sooner… than; hardly… when的句型中


表示在将来的一个特定时刻将成为过去的动作或该时刻刚刚结束的动作,常与也可与by+将来时间”或“by the time+现在时的时间状语从句”连用



练习2:Key:1-5 DDDDD  6-10 BCCCA
1. I will have finished all  the project by the end of next month.
2. She is tired, because she has been typing all day.
3. Where have you been? We have been looking for you all the time.
4. She must be tired, because she has been dancing for all day.
5.The phone has been ringing all the time.