Job Interview Questions and Response Most job interviews

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Job Interview Questions and Response Most job interviews

Job Interview Questions and Response

Most job interviews follow a similar pattern,and the same interview questions come up time and time again. The best candidates are those who have thought about these interview questions.

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This interesting question is often asked out of curiosity but also to see how honest and sensitive you are. As you prepare for this interview,remember to stay positive in your reply and not to be too critical of your past employers. However, there is nothing wrong with giving a balanced view,and most interviewers welcome an honest answer.

•Why do you want to work for this organization?

This might be tricky if you don’t know enough about the company or the job. 37 It is best to relate your interest in the job and the organization to your long-term goals. This shows you are in the job for long,and employers like to see this level of commitment.

•What are your future plans?

38 Tell the interviewer that you want to continue working in the same field and want to be the best. Avoid saying you’d like the boss’s job in a few years,especially if the 高三英语七选五练习Job Interview Questions and Responseperson interviewing you is the boss.

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You can mention negative things about your job,but do not make it the main point of your answer. 40 Make sure that the things you like are also present in the job you’re being interviewed for一your interviewers want to be sure you’ll be happy in your work.

A. But this is why it’s important to research the job.

B. Talk about your future plans with confidence.

C. What do you think about your last boss or company?

D. You should relate your answers to your family members.

E. It is best to start and end your reply on a positive note.

F. What do you like and hate about your last or current position?

G. What was your salary in your last job and what are your salary expectations?

答案 36 ~40 CABFE