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yggk.net 免费分享:动词的时态语态-高考英语知识点


  ① 表示经常性或习惯性的动作,常与表示频度的时间状语连用。时间状语有:always, usually, often, sometimes, every week (day, year, month…), once a week, on Sundays等。
  例:I leave home for school at 7 every morning.
  ② 表示客观真理,客观存在或科学事实,以及格言或名言警句中。如:
  The earth moves around the sun.
  Shanghai lies in the east of China.
  Failure is the mother of success. 失败乃成功之母。
  ③ 表示爱好、能力、性格、个性。
  I like Chinese food.
  I don't want so much.
  Ann Wang writes good English but does not speak well.
  4. 特殊用法
  ① 一般现在时代替将来时
  1. 时间状语从句、条件状语从句用一般现在时代替将来时。如:when, before, after, till, once, as soon as, if, in case (that), unless,等。
  He is going to visit her aunt the day he arrives in Beijing. 他一到北京,就去看他姨妈。I will call you as soon as I go back home. 我一到家就给你电话。
  注:1. 可以代替as soon as表示一……就的词语:the moment、the minute、immediately、instantly
  2. 主句部分除了用一般将来时,还可以用祈使句以及情态动词
  例:If you have any problem, please contact me. (主祈从现)
  If you have any problem, you can contact me.(主情从现)
  3. not…until用法总结:
  A. sb didn't do sth until sb did sth.
  I didn't go home until I finished my homework yesterday. 我昨天直到完成作业才回家
  B. sb won't do sth until sb do/does sth.(主将从现)
  I won't leave until you come tomorrow. 我明天会直到你过来才会离开。
  1. 昨天修理完桌椅后,我们才回家。
  答案:We didn't go home until we finished repairing desks and tables.
  2. 有时候,直到珍贵的时刻成为了回忆,你才会真正认识到它的价值所在。
  答案:Sometimes, you won't know the true value of a moment until it becomes a memory.
  2. 用于表示较固定的,按计划、规定将要发生的动作,但只限于begin, come, go, leave, arrive, stop, return, close, open, take, start, take place 等少数动作。
  例:The train leaves Beijing at six and arrives at Jinan at nine.
  ② 一般现在时代替进行时
  句型:Here comes… ;  There goes…
  例:Look, here comes Mr. Li.
  There goes the bell.
  二. 一般过去时
  1. 基本结构
  ① be动词:was / were …
  ② 行为动词:动词的过去式
  ① was/ were + not
  ② didn't +动词原形
  ① was或were放于句首
  ② Did + … + 动词原形……?
  2. 动词的过去式及过去分词的构成:

3. 用法
  ① 表示过去某一具体时间发生的动作或存在的状态,常用的时间状语有last year, yesterday, just now, in +过去年份, a few years ago, in the past.
  例:Yesterday, I saw my friends off at the airport.
  ② 表示过去的经常性、习惯性动作或状态,常用的时间状语有always, often, usually, sometimes, seldom, never等
  例:I always got up late and never had enough time for breakfast when I was a child.
  三. 一般将来时
  ① "will/ shall + 动词原形"构成将来时,表示将要发生的动作或将要存在的状态。shall仅用于第一人称I/we作主语,而will 则用于各种人称。常用于将来时的时间状语有:next time, tomorrow, this afternoon, before long,in the future, soon, the day after tomorrow.
  例:I shall visit my teacher when I go to Beijing.
  ② "be going to + 动词原形",表示打算、计划、安排做某事。
  例:We are going to hold a sports meet next weekend.
  ③ begin, leave, arrive, start, finish, meet, return等动词的一般现在时,表示按计划或安排将要发生的事。(时刻表)
  例:Flight 55 leaves at six p.m.
  ④ leave, go, come, stay, do, take, have 等动词的现在进行时,表示按计划或准备要做某事。
  例:She is leaving early tomorrow morning. 明天她很早就出发。
  ⑤ "be to + 动词原形",表示即将发生某事、安排做某事或要求做某事。
  例:The meeting is to take place at 8:00 tomorrow.
  ⑥ "be about + to+动词原形",表示即将发生某事,不与具体的将来时间状语连用
  例:Hurry up! The train for Shanghai is about to start.
  注意:1. shall/will do和be going to do的区别
  shall/will do表示一种趋势或习惯性动作,或预言将要发生的事,或表示临时性打算等。
  Fish will die without water.(趋势)
  He will sit there doing nothing for hours.(习惯动作)
  We haven't seen each other for a long time. Shall we have a dinner tonight?(临时性的打算)
  be going to do表示提前计划、安排好的事情,或者表示有迹象发生
  We are going to have a meeting at 8:00 tomorrow.(计划、安排)
  Look at these clouds! It's going to rain.(迹象发生事情)
  2. 一般现在时表将来和现在进行时表将来的区别
  The train leaves Beijing at 7:00.
  They are having a meeting tonight.
  1. 观察下列例句,将序号填入对应用法之后的空白栏中
  A. 一般现在时
  ① All the living things on the earth depend on the sun.
  ② The plane takes off at 5:00 a.m.
  ③ Unless it rains tomorrow, the sports meet will take place.
  ④ Our teacher told us the earth goes round the sun.
  ⑤ He sometimes stay up till midnight to catch up with others.
  ⑥ We always care for each other and help each other.
  ⑦ She is a teacher.
  ⑧ -Do you sing? -A little.
  B. 一般过去时
  ① I didn't know you bought the present for me.
  ② The Great Wall came into being in 221BC.
  ③ We used to get up at five every morning when we were at school.
  ④ When I was in the factory, I often worked in the workshop.
  ⑤ The professor put one finger in his mouth, tasted it, and smiled with satisfaction.
  C. 一般将来时
  ① If you are going to do it, you had better do it well.
  ② If you will wait here, the manager will be back 10 minutes later.
  ③ We are to finish the work before five this afternoon.
  ④ He will be thirty years old next year.
  ⑤ No one is to leave the cinema without the police's permission
  ⑥ The train is about to start.
  ⑦ Look at the clouds, there is going to be a storm.
  ⑧ Will we clone a dinosaur?
  ⑨ You forgot to turn off the light!-Really, I will go and turn it off.
