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2. 单项选择
  1. Please give Jim the schedule for tomorrow's conference when he _____ back. He is to chair the conference.
  A. will come     B. came              C. comes               D. is coming
  2. Mr. Brown _____ his office an hour ago and he is still on his way home.
  A. left       B. leaves        C. is leaving            D. was leaving
  3. Mr. Black ______Shanghai in a few days. Do you know when the earliest plane _____ on Sunday?
  A. leaves; takes off                         B. is leaving; takes off
  C. is leaving; is taking off                    D. leaves; is taking off
  4. --- Do you have any plans for this Sunday?
  --- Yes. I ____ my cousin who has just returned from America.
  A. visit              B. am visiting         C. would visit        D was visiting
  5. --- I am trying to find yesterday's newspaper. Have you seen it ?
  --- I am afraid that I ______ it away .I thought you had finished reading it .
  A. threw      B. had thrown          C. throw        D. will throw
  6. You can not go out to play unless you ______your homework .
  A. finished       B. will finish          C. finish      D. are finishing
  7. He looks excited because his parents ___________to her birthday party this weekend .
  A. come       B. have come             C. are coming           D. could come
  8. ---Have you seen your aunt recently ?
  ---Yes. I       to visit her last night.
  A. went              B. was going            C. has gone            D. will go
  9. --- Look at that beautiful sky!
  --- It looks like it        a wonderful day.
  A. was        B. will be             C. is going to be          D. would be
  10. Donny helped us get the tickets. We __________to Guangzhou next Wednesday.
  A. flew                B. fly                C. are flying          D. will have flown
  11. Hurry up! The train __________ at 7:00.
  A. leaves             B. left                   C. was leaving          D. leave
  12. It has been well accepted by most English learners that practice _______ perfect.
  A. made                B. will make             C. makes             D. make
  13. --- How can I apply for an online course?
  --- Just fill out this form and we _____ what we can do four you.
  A. see                   B. are seeing            C. have seen          D. will see
  14. - Have you read a book called Waiting for Anya? - Who _______ it?
  A. writes               B. has written         C. wrote              D. had written
  15. Scientists have many theories about how the universe ___ into being.
  A. came              B. was coming            C. had come           D. would come
  3. 翻译练习
  ① 他并不总是在6点钟下班,有时他会工作到7点。
  ② 机会总是青睐有准备的人。
  ③ 如果她来看我,我会很高兴。
  ④ 那个年轻人把座位让给了一位老大爷。
  ⑤ 你毕业之后想要干什么。
  ⑥ 他们明晚出发去上海。

  3、答案:He doesn't always leave before 6 o'clock. Sometimes he works until 7 o' clock.
  答案:Opportunities always favor the prepared minds.
  答案:I'll be glad if she comes over to visit me.
  答案:The young man gave his seat to an old man.
  答案:What are you going to do when you leave school?
  答案:They are leaving for Shanghai by train tomorrow evening.